Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year

So we've been in Florida visiting family for two weeks. I had big plans to blog on all our great times, with lots of super pictures and all that. Then we decided not to bring the camera, and my brother-in-law's photo sharing software won't let me download individual images without a yearly membership. So this "Happy New Year" is coming atcha from the Sunshine State, despite the Monterey family pic (it is, at least, a recent one). What can I say? You win some. You lose some.
:) Syb

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Best Buds

We always joke that Ace is his dad on the outside and me on the inside. But it's really true, which is why I completely understand how he can love his dad so darn much. :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma Lili

We love you, Mom. Thanks for loving us first and speaking God's truth into our hearts from the beginning. You are a beautiful blessing to us.
Happy Birthday, Lili Angelique!

Two Weeks... No Internet...

Hi, my name's Syble, and I'm an Internetaholic. It has been an excruciating two weeks. I've begged, I've pleaded, I've threatened to switch to Comcast. But, at last, after two botched orders and fourteen resulting days of agony, AT&T finally has us up and surfing. YEEEEEHAAWWWW! Moving is hard, not having the web at your fingertips is much harder. Ace was really missing his Wonderpets online games. Anyhoo, I have a gazillion pics that've built up over the past few days. I've processed none of them, so I thought I'd post this cool vintage snapshot my mom emailed yesterday. It's Ace's great grandpa on my mom's side (he's on the left), Harold Barkley. I don't know who the other guy is, but he seems like a nice enough fellow. I love old family photos.

I've really missed you all.

CyberSyb (AKA Ace's Mom)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moving's Fun When You're 4

If you're wondering why I haven't posted in several days, now you know. We're moving. There's barely time for anything but bouncing off the walls, and, thanks to the chain smoker who inhabited our new apartment before us, there's also barely time for eating and sleeping. So far we've spent about 20 labor hours scouring cupboards, counters, the insides of drawers... pretty much every square inch of the place with enzymes and bleach to get rid of the tar and nicotine. Even the air conditioner has to be treated. Fortunately, they painted, but that was the extent of their attempt at detoxing the unit. Oh well... we're getting a super good deal, and almost half of the units in the complex are inhabited by fellow Calvary Chapel Monterey Bay folks. And that brings me to the super cute pic, which captures Ace and his friend Anna watching a flick together on moving day one... actually, that was cleaning day one.
:) Syb

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tonsils & Adenoids, Begone!

Ace had his tonsils and adenoids removed yesterday morning, and we got home today. Other than some pain, not a lot of sleep, and an all out WWF match in the anesthesia recovery room, it went well. He had obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Apparently his tonsils and adenoids were so huge, they were blocking his airways while he slept. He had what they call "+4" tonsils, which means they were almost touching in the middle. The resulting sleep and oxygen deprivation was causing a multitude of problems, like slowed growth velocity, agitation, aggression, very frequent night wakings, and just an overall inability to cope with the stresses of preschool-aged life. We were so relieved to get the diagnosis, because, frankly, we'd begun to worry. Actually, I'd never even heard of OSA in children until I reluctantly listened to a lecture on ADHD, given to me by a counselor from church. (I'm not a fan of the ADHD diagnosis, its treatments, and a whole lot of other stuff about it, so I would pretty much blow off anyone who suggested he might have "that" problem. What was really starting to bug me was that as his behavior continued to decline, that dreaded acronym was coming up more and more. I was starting to stress, not only because of the possibility of ADHD, but because his typical obedient behavior didn't fit the description. He wasn't a super disobedient kid with no attention span, just an energetic and exuberant boy who was a bit impulsive and really angry and emotional way too often. But, always the wise man, Arich convinced me that I needed to be open minded and at least listen to the CD for potential behavior management tools.) The first thing the lecturer talked about was actually a side note: many kiddos diagnosed with ADHD really have OSA. At first I didn't think much of it. But a couple of nights later, I went into Ace's room to check on him and, lo and behold, the kid wasn't breathing. I stopped and listened for about five seconds, after which he snorted and started up with his usual snoring. He's always been a snorer (which I didn't know is a red flag for OSA in kids), but I'd never witnessed an apnea episode until that night. We took him to the pediatrician a couple of days later. When he saw the monster tonsils, the pediatrician referred us to the ENT doc, and here we are three weeks later. The ENT said he had an obstruction (which resolved) as soon as the anesthesiologist put him under. It seems that God works in mysterious ways if I'll set down my pride long enough to listen to a lecture I think I don't need. This has sort of been a theme in my life.

From what I've read and been told, this surgery greatly improves quality of life for OSA kids in 95% of cases. Thanks for all your prayers. Keep them coming!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, TBird's Dad!

This great pic is Don (our new brother-in-law and Ace's Uncle) and Tbird, Ace's new cousin. Congratulations, Don, on your first ever birthday as a dad! We're blessed to have you two in the fam!
Arich, Sharon & Ace

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Classic Footage

Ace's First Finished Piece

This baby's skillz continue to amaze his mom (what a surprise). It's Spider-man, BTW. We'll allow this pic to be used on the inside cover of his authorized bio one day, since it is, after all, the master's first finished piece. ;)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Ace!

Happy birthday big guy! You're still our favorite kid in the whole wide world! We love you!
Papa & Mom

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

For Those Who Doubted Me

Here's the proof that Ace's mom did, in fact, meet Bush Senior in the oval office when she was 14. I'm on the far right. So, how did I find myself in this situation, you ask? My best friend in high school had parents who knew people... and they were really nice to me for some reason. (Shout out to the Aldersons.) I even got to meet the dogs, who really did hang out in the oval office. In case you're wondering, Prez Bush was totally cool and down-to-earth. He showed me pics of his grandkids... awwww!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Timbo Bird

It just doesn't get any more adorable than this guy! We love you, T-Bird!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hey Baby T-Bird!

Arich's 'lil sister is a mom! Timothy Harrison Bird weighed in at 6 lbs. 9 0z. and 20 in. yesterday morning! Congratulations Aunt Andi and Uncle Don.
Welcome to the world little Timbo! Your cousin Ace can't wait to meet you, bubby! We love you so much already, cuteness face!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

On Dreams & Shameless Bribery

Take one and take two.
(Why don't I enjoy doing windows this much?)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some Ramblings

I had no idea what parenting would be like. It's the hardest thing I have ever done. Sometimes I think it's the suckiest thing I've ever done... sometimes, the most fun. Sometimes the sucky feeling outweighs the fun one, and on those days, it seems like the sucky feeling really dominates the big picture. But it doesn't, I guess. No... it doesn't. But I had no idea I would have to power through, with a cranky preschooler, those days where, before I was a mom, I would just not talk to people, and do my best to avoid any meaningful interaction. It was easy damage control, a pleasant sort of "checking out", and worked nicely most of the time on those off days. But nothing is easy, nothing works perfectly nicely anymore. There is no checking out. Now, on those occasional days when I wake up feeling like strings are tied to my forehead, my eyebrows and the corners of my mouth, constantly pulling my face and head toward the ground, I have to smile, bite my tongue, keep the fury out of my voice and meaningfully instruct and guide one of the wildest, most confusing, and, at times, most infuriating forces I have ever encountered: a high energy male preschooler whose temperament is identical to mine (plus a bit more testosterone). I had no idea that every mistake, every embarrassing outburst, every kid-ish, boy-ish thing he would do, I would somehow personalize, knowing I shouldn't, but, nonetheless, battling the subtle underlying belief that these foibles are the result of my inadequacies as a parent. I know kids are humans and they make mistakes, but I still struggle back and forth, back and forth, between what I know and what I feel. I, of course, have always played this tug o' war between the know and the feel -- I know I'm saved by grace, but I feel like a wretch, and so on and so forth. Haven't we all? But when you become a parent, you watch that internal struggle become real and take on a life of its own, with a will of its own. Worn out and hungry, it darts around like a shark, looking for what it can get into, and grabs way too much juice from the serve-yourself jug, which you must, as a good parent, take away. So it hollers, clobbers you in the leg, and bites you hard on the arm. You lose it a little and grab it by the collar of its shirt to escort it to the car, because, frankly, you feel the same way it does. And all this right in the middle of fellowship time after second service. Stellar parenting. Real good times.
No, I had no idea what being a parent would be like. I certainly didn't expect to be the parent of my own temperament, my own struggles. I didn't expect to love so much and care so much that every mistake, every failure aches and pounds down on my soul. I didn't expect to worry and take things so seriously. I know I need to lighten up. But it's hard to do that all the time, because some days are heavy, whether you like it or not. Some days are really heavy.
I gave birth to a dynamo. He is certain to conquer something. I know he'll conquer his own torments, with the help of God, who he's already learning to love. Believe it or not, in the moment-by-moment he's more obedient than most kids I meet. He's kind, funny, cute as a bee's knee. He loves people and talks to anyone. He's my sidekick, my buddy, my teacher and my spiritual reflection. I love him more than life itself. Would I die for him? It's like asking whether I'd take the next breath. I just want to do this thing right so badly that it hurts. I have never wanted anything so badly that I cannot control. And please don't offer up practical advice. I know and put into practice all the tricks, all the methods, as consistently as I'm able... I've read and am reading all the books. I'm just having a tired day, that's all. Really. Just tell me I'm not a horrible mom, and you understand how I feel.
It's so bizarre. Before I had kids, I knew worn out parents who would insist they didn't regret becoming parents, and that, if given the opportunity, there's no way they'd go back in time and avoid having kids. I used to think they were lying out of guilt. I thought I saw right through their little obligatory smoke screen. No way could they be working so hard at something that could be so completely frustrating and seemingly miserable at times, and yet be so totally in love with it. It went against everything I understood and knew... because I didn't know what it meant to be a parent. *Sigh* Thanks for listening to my hysterical ramblings. I feel better. Sorry about the typos, etc.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


On our walks lately we've crossed paths with a few sweet little Asian grandmas carrying sun umbrellas. Ace decided to give it a shot today. (Those little grandmas make it look so easy!)

Geogia Cousins

Here's a cool photo of our adorable Georgia cousins: (l-r) Merritt Hope, Marley Kay, Angelina Maria, Bishop Faith, Graham Grace and Colten Layne. We love you crazy kiddos! I think that's my cuz Tommy in the background... love you, Tommy!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Baby Jocie

Here's a new pic of Ace's new cousin and her mom and dad. I am so in love with this kiddo!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jocellynn Renae

My baby brother has a baby! Lil' Jocellynn Renae Jenni weighed in at 6lb. 11oz. Monday morning, about three weeks early! Congratulations Josh and Mandy... and God bless Baby Girl.
We love you lil' one! Big kisses and hugs, and we can't wait to see you next month, sweetie pie. AWWWWW! You're so darn CUTE!
Love Aunt Shay, Uncle Arich and Cousin Ace.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Surf's Up

The sun seems to have finally found the peninsula... and just in time for Up-High Bapa's visit. Today at Carmel Beach it really felt like SoCal. The sand was even warm! I think our little swimmer is beginning to discover his inner surfer...

Friday, August 29, 2008

For the Vanderschuit Boys

Ace loved your message, and he talks about you guys all the time. Maybe one day you guys'll all be college roommates!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Syble (A.K.A.: Sharon, Shay, Pinwheel, Fire-cracker)

Last time I tried to contribute to our blog I was chided for violating the character of the spirit behind it, but due to popular demand I believe I have no choice but to risk one of my last nine fingers to fulfill the request of our readers. Many of you want to see more than just Ace and his dad, but his mom too (the mastermind behind it). So, while she's down for a nap, I'm secretly posting -- hopefully you see this before she edits it. The pictures I post may not "capture her true essence", so they may be censored, and the voice I choose to write in may be silenced (she may flip over the computer --inside joke) if she feels like it doesn't agree with her vision for this publication. Never the less, here you go...I hope you like it.

Her given name is Syble, which explains the number of names that many of you know her by (depends on the personality you met), so some of you know Shay, some Sharon, and some Syble. She has nicknames like Pinwheel and Fire-cracker that tell of " her side" as her dad and brothers forewarned me. However, she is also, and more consistently, a dear friend to many of you, a great mom, and the best wife.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Why I Love Arich

On February 12, 1995, I remember discussing with a friend over espresso how we would never stoop so low as to subject ourselves to an institution as patriarchal and oppressive as marriage. On Valentine's Day 1995 (two days later), in his apartment at UCSC, an adorable, long-haired, granola-boy art student looked up at me with his big blue eyes from down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes without hesitation. It has remained my crowning act of hypocrisy, and one of the best decisions I ever made.

That was 13 1/2 years ago today (we were engaged 6 months), and we were 21 and 19, so we've pretty much grown up together. (Arich has literally grown one inch in height.) Anyway, I just wanted to give him a shout out in this post, because he deserves it. So here it goes...

Why I love Arich and why I am a very lucky girl:
  1. He has put up with me for 13 years. This is no small feat. Ask my brothers. (And consider the little convo about patriarchal oppression. Imagine being married to that flailing girl, and waiting patiently for her to grow up. So many wouldn't have; he continues to.)
  2. He taught me to drive stick.

  3. He taught me to lock my front door.

  4. He lets me take the glory for his original witty quips (sometimes).

  5. He doesn't put up with my evil side.

  6. He loves our son more than he loves himself, and he's a dynamo of a dad.
  7. He's gracious, forgiving and patient.

  8. He will not stop until it's beautiful. This applies to the concrete, the spiritual... everything.

  9. He's a hard worker, dedicated, honest and exceedingly loyal.

  10. He tries with all that he has to please God and do His will.

  11. He's an astonishingly adept spiritual leader, and he's been my most influential teacher.

  12. He's the wisest person I have ever known. I don't say this lightly. I mean it.

I love you, babe. Thanks for 13 awesome years. I wouldn't change a single one, and I look forward to a whole bunch more. You're my hero.


Syble Sharon Shay Harrison ;)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ace on Sharks & Sea Lion Guts

Ace wanted to share with you some of the fascinating stuff he's been learning while living on the peninsula. Did you know dead sea lions have dirty black guts? See videos below...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Correction: Circa 88-89

Arich had to correct me on the goth photo date... it was actually 88-89... I really am getting old.

Ace's Mom, Circa 1991

...going through pics for a project... couldn't resist... The Cure, anyone?

The Force is Strong With Him

Check out this Padawan's mad skillz (Darth Maul complete with light saber). Notice the advanced ability to capture dynamism ;).

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Look at These Flowers!

There's this tree/bush thing that grows by our patio. Just recently it busted out with these little beauties. Have you ever seen such fantastic flowers? God is such an artist.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Close Ups

I took these pics the other day when we got home from the beach. Ace had this little weird spot on his nose, so I wanted to get pics of it to show the doctor in the event it metastasized to his lymph nodes and brain. Anyway... I don't know what it is about Ace's face, but, since the day he was born, it's looked the same up close. You can stand back a few feet and look him in the face, and he looks like an almost four-year-old blonde kid. But get this close, and there's my little baby. Maybe it's the macro feature. It just gets me. (Am I still going to be doing this when he's 20? Poor kid.)
Oh, the spot is gone, by the way.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Gang

Here's Ace hanging with his usual posse, the Castillo boys and the Denham boys. These guys love dirt, rough housing, and each other.

Friday, July 25, 2008

You've Gotta Love PG

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Pacific Grove is a kids' wonderland. How many places in the world can you go to the beach and get a free kayak ride in a peaceful little bay with a super nice local mom? Not very many.
Syb ;)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beautiful Cousins

A couple of times a year we get pics of Ace's and my cousin Brandi's beautiful girls Graham, Bishop and Merritt. And every time we get a pic of them, Arich and I are reminded of my poor cousin-by-marriage, Tim, who is their dad, and who is destined to battle a subtle, but nagging and constant, underlying anxiousness for at least the next 20 years or so. What spectacular little ladies!

Monday, July 21, 2008

We Like Cookies

In the above picture you see Ace demonstrating what we at the Harrison house call "The Cookie Trance."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Best Kept Secret...

A friend of mine calls Gilroy Gardens the "best kept secret" around here. She's so right! We went a few days ago, and we had a total blast. Thanks Grandpa Doug!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fourth with the Denhams

We had a super time hanging out with our friends the Denhams (Bill, Claudia, Peter, Patrick and Stewart) on the fourth. They're a military family, so it was a real honor to celebrate with folks who are out there defending the rights we've grown up enjoying. Thanks, guys, for your dedication to our great nation.

Warning: Graphic Injury Image... For Reals

Last week at the studio Arich got a 1/4" square shard of plaster shoved under his fingernail... all the way to the cuticle. Eh gads. Since plaster is not fibrous, they couldn't just lift the nail up a bit and pull it out with tweezers. Also, because it's organic, risk of infection was high, so the shard had to come out pronto. (Not to mention Arich was in a lot of pain.) So if you can't pull out the splinter, and the splinter has to come out... the nail has to come off. EWWWWW!!!!! They took off the bandage today at his post op appointment. Talk about an occupational hazard... but what a cool pic for the Wall of Pain.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Introducing... Our Wall of Pain

In our close to 13 years volunteering in children's ministry, Arich and I have come across very few ministry components more outstanding than the great "Wall of Pain". As far as I remember the wall was the brainchild of Brent, a junior high pastor from Santa Cruz Bible Church back in 1994. With a kind iron fist and spiked mohawk, he helped effectively rule one of the most formidably rambunctious groups of junior high kids I have ever known. Injuries were common, tears (at least for pain) were not. We attribute this absence of whining and hem-hawing to... The Wall of Pain.

For years we've wanted to start one for Ace. At this point (thank the Lord) he's only had a few injuries worth posting. But the ones I have pictures of, I've thrown on this post, which will be the first of hopefully not too many more installments.

;) Syb

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let the Games Begin

We've got a serious jock on our hands. This kid can already swim... and bust out kamikaze flips. Heaven help us...

Friday, June 20, 2008

You Won't Like Him When He's Angry

Ah, yes... The Hulk Hands. If you have young sons or grandsons, you've seriously contemplated buying them, or you currently own them. They are the rare kind of toy that comes along for us. The kind Arich and I, not just Ace, want to buy. They epitomize what is good about most of comic book culture. Good guys knocking out bad guys and looking really cool while doing it. But, like many parents, we hesitated buying the Hulk Hands. They're great, but a little extravagant... and who wants to spoil the kid, right? Well, that's what grandparents are for! Thanks Up-High Bapa! Ace really loves them!

Disclaimer* In case Ace's inside out, backward and stained shirt leaves you fearing neglect, please know that such a presentation is common for Ace and typically arises not in the course of a day, but in that of a minute or sometimes less. Where the stains come from, I oftentimes have no idea, until I find one of the same element splashed, say, along the side of the couch. I do try to change him before we leave the house.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Worth a Thousand Words...

I was surfing through Yahoo News a minute ago, and I stumbled upon an editorial written by a dad whose twin sons were born six years ago at 23 weeks. Today they're thriving little athletes. I was impressed enough to check out their website, where I found this pic of the boys feet today next to their little footprints at birth. Amazing and thought provoking stuff...
Happy Father's Day,

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Up-High Bapa Day!

Happy Father's Day Up-High Bapa! Thanx for being a great dad to me, and now to my son, too.Thank you for your devotion to the Lord, to honesty, righteousness, and to family. Thank you for your support and guidance. Thank you for your patience, grace, and perseverance. Thank you for always being there, and taking great pride in being a father. We love you!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I'm going through old pics for a project, and I couldn't help but post a few of these. My little man is growing up...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Artists

Ace the Artist... could it really be any other way? Check out the pure genius evident in the alligator piece. I was thinking the missing tail might have some symbolic meaning, so I asked the master. He said with barely perceptible indignation, "It's a baby one. Baby ones don't have tails." Ah, temperamental artists... I'll keep you posted on the progress of the T-Rex sculpture.