Last week at the studio Arich got a 1/4" square shard of plaster shoved under his fingernail... all the way to the cuticle. Eh gads. Since plaster is not fibrous, they couldn't just lift the nail up a bit and pull it out with tweezers. Also, because it's organic, risk of infection was high, so the shard had to come out pronto. (Not to mention Arich was in a lot of pain.) So if you can't pull out the splinter, and the splinter has to come out... the nail has to come off. EWWWWW!!!!! They took off the bandage today at his post op appointment. Talk about an occupational hazard... but what a cool pic for the Wall of Pain.
1 comment:
Right on schedule for the wall of pain, Arich! And you all just posted that... Be careful what you post, eh? I'll try to keep that in mind when I finally get back to posting. -Blaine
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