That was 13 1/2 years ago today (we were engaged 6 months), and we were 21 and 19, so we've pretty much grown up together. (Arich has literally grown one inch in height.) Anyway, I just wanted to give him a shout out in this post, because he deserves it. So here it goes...
Why I love Arich and why I am a very lucky girl:
- He has put up with me for 13 years. This is no small feat. Ask my brothers. (And consider the little convo about patriarchal oppression. Imagine being married to that flailing girl, and waiting patiently for her to grow up. So many wouldn't have; he continues to.)
- He taught me to drive stick.
- He taught me to lock my front door.
- He lets me take the glory for his original witty quips (sometimes).
- He doesn't put up with my evil side.
- He loves our son more than he loves himself, and he's a dynamo of a dad.
- He's gracious, forgiving and patient.
- He will not stop until it's beautiful. This applies to the concrete, the spiritual... everything.
- He's a hard worker, dedicated, honest and exceedingly loyal.
- He tries with all that he has to please God and do His will.
- He's an astonishingly adept spiritual leader, and he's been my most influential teacher.
- He's the wisest person I have ever known. I don't say this lightly. I mean it.
I love you, babe. Thanks for 13 awesome years. I wouldn't change a single one, and I look forward to a whole bunch more. You're my hero.
Syble Sharon Shay Harrison ;)
Arich is a very fortunate man to have found a girl so young, who has grown into the woman that loves and adores him so much.
True that!
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