Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Close Ups

I took these pics the other day when we got home from the beach. Ace had this little weird spot on his nose, so I wanted to get pics of it to show the doctor in the event it metastasized to his lymph nodes and brain. Anyway... I don't know what it is about Ace's face, but, since the day he was born, it's looked the same up close. You can stand back a few feet and look him in the face, and he looks like an almost four-year-old blonde kid. But get this close, and there's my little baby. Maybe it's the macro feature. It just gets me. (Am I still going to be doing this when he's 20? Poor kid.)
Oh, the spot is gone, by the way.

1 comment:

Blaine and Elisa said...

I know what you mean, Syb, don't feel bad. I'll pull back Aaron's hair from his face and he's my baby again! I can't believe he's gonna be 7. Glad the spot went away on Ace. What a cutie! -Elisa