Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sayonara Feedburner.

If all goes well, this will be the last subscription post you guys'll get in your email boxes. I'm just not feelin' the love for this subscription thing. First of all, it seems way more like an email and way less like a blog. Second, I don't know if you folks have tried to respond directly to a posting, but it's impossible, so we never get feedback. I need feedback. I love feedback. So as soon as I'm done with this post I'll head over to Feedburner to remove it from the blog. I've found a way better way to keep everyone updated. I'll send out an email soon with the details.
Syb :)


Dixie said...

I don't mind the emails, and I love the pics. I'll still visit weekly for an update, even without the emails. Love you a bunch. Auntie J

Blaine and Elisa said...

Aaron and Sammy say, "Wow, when we last saw Ace, he was just a tiny kid. Now you look so much older." Aaron says, "Is that a blue gill? My first fish was a blue gill."