Our friends the
Wongs took us to Memorial Day festivities at the Naval Postgraduate School on Monday. Jonah, Noah and Ace had a great time terrorizing the echo-y hallways of the old building. I really don't remember how, exactly, I got them to idle their motors long enough to pose for this picture. I think the events which transpired during the 15 minutes it took for us to get through the building and out into the open field have been catalogued in my repressed memory files. Raising Ace is a wacky whirlwind... and an undeniable privilege. I'll miss it when it's over.
When it's over? Whoa, you're really thinking ahead! I suppose that's the heart of a mother. Yes, a privilege. Hopefully the adventure will continue, should the Second Coming be further ahead, as you see the great things God has in store for Ace and the work/ministry He has planned for him. I try always to remember to be praying for my boys with that in mind.
My darling sweet niece... It is never over. You will always be there for him to share your wisdom and experiences. It's a lifetime of rearing (I can still hear Ms.Beard in Junior English; "you raise chickens, you rear children"... but I digress... LOL
Enjoy the trip, it's a short one to the phase 2... I love you all a bunch. Auntie J in French Lique...
oops... I forgot to close the (...)
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