Last night we got to go hang out at "Papa's Work" after hours. To Ace, getting to go inside Papa's Work is as good as getting to go to Home Depot or getting an In & Out chocolate shake. Whenever we go pick Arich up, Ace suffers from a mysterious urinary tract affliction, whereby he MUST go to the bathroom in Papa's Work right away or he "might have an accident." Once inside, of course, the urgency suddenly disappears at the sight of the forklift or one of "Papa's Friends." So last night when he got to go into Papa's Work, and then got to sculpt with clay... well, you can imagine the joy... and the mess.
In pic number two, you can see some of the scientific reference Arich uses. In his work, everything has to be just right, because, as he says, "Subconsciously people recognize when something is amiss anatomically. They may not know what it is, but if a sculptor tries to fake it, it's obvious." Plus, when you're working in three dimensions, if one thing is off, everything is off. I don't know how he does it.
The third picture is Ace in front of an Olympic pommel horse monument titled Flair, sculpted by Richard MacDonald. The first time Ace saw it, he said, "I can do that." Knowing Ace, he was probably referring to both the gymnastic feat and the sculpting. It's great that he's exposed to such amazing stuff at his young age.
hey Syb-
thanks for doing this. I am starting to collect family blogs and i love it! glad to see things are well. jaime
About Arich's anatomy sculpture, Aaron says: "Cool! He's good!"
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