Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let the Games Begin

We've got a serious jock on our hands. This kid can already swim... and bust out kamikaze flips. Heaven help us...

Friday, June 20, 2008

You Won't Like Him When He's Angry

Ah, yes... The Hulk Hands. If you have young sons or grandsons, you've seriously contemplated buying them, or you currently own them. They are the rare kind of toy that comes along for us. The kind Arich and I, not just Ace, want to buy. They epitomize what is good about most of comic book culture. Good guys knocking out bad guys and looking really cool while doing it. But, like many parents, we hesitated buying the Hulk Hands. They're great, but a little extravagant... and who wants to spoil the kid, right? Well, that's what grandparents are for! Thanks Up-High Bapa! Ace really loves them!

Disclaimer* In case Ace's inside out, backward and stained shirt leaves you fearing neglect, please know that such a presentation is common for Ace and typically arises not in the course of a day, but in that of a minute or sometimes less. Where the stains come from, I oftentimes have no idea, until I find one of the same element splashed, say, along the side of the couch. I do try to change him before we leave the house.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Worth a Thousand Words...

I was surfing through Yahoo News a minute ago, and I stumbled upon an editorial written by a dad whose twin sons were born six years ago at 23 weeks. Today they're thriving little athletes. I was impressed enough to check out their website, where I found this pic of the boys feet today next to their little footprints at birth. Amazing and thought provoking stuff...
Happy Father's Day,

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Up-High Bapa Day!

Happy Father's Day Up-High Bapa! Thanx for being a great dad to me, and now to my son, too.Thank you for your devotion to the Lord, to honesty, righteousness, and to family. Thank you for your support and guidance. Thank you for your patience, grace, and perseverance. Thank you for always being there, and taking great pride in being a father. We love you!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I'm going through old pics for a project, and I couldn't help but post a few of these. My little man is growing up...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Artists

Ace the Artist... could it really be any other way? Check out the pure genius evident in the alligator piece. I was thinking the missing tail might have some symbolic meaning, so I asked the master. He said with barely perceptible indignation, "It's a baby one. Baby ones don't have tails." Ah, temperamental artists... I'll keep you posted on the progress of the T-Rex sculpture.